Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Much needed day of leisure....

Today was a little cooler thank god! We started the day with a large breakfast so we would be set for the day. Then we went to Whitesand Seroba, a beachside hotel, for a day of luxury. The team enjoyed tropical drinks by the beach, shopping for trinkets and artifacts, dodging shop owners saying, "sister/brother PROMOTE ME," and riding camels named bob, charlie, and george; even corinne didn't need convining. Some highlights of the day were signs that said, "NO SMOKING, violaters will be shot, survivors will be shot again," and trading my 9$ american eagle sandels plus 1500 ksh for a HUGE hippo made of wood (thanks marci for letting me borrow an extra pair of sandels), Robb was lucky enough to leave with his shirt, which was a hot commodity, though his pen wasnt as lucky... A nice bar named Cocoa beach bar was awesome and used for some more tropical drinks and some extra R & R. Lance vanished for an hour because he went on a catamaran, which he continuously brags he thoroughly enoyed. We then ate dinner at Sarova and continued home to eat our freshly caught lobster and tuffie. Now we will swim in the pool to brush the sand off our bodies until we are tired for sleep. Tomorrow we will be venturing into the Amboseli park to meet the tanzania team in the Serena lodge. I can't wait to eat there, and seeing some animals is always a plus. Goodnight and thanks for staying tuned! All is well and the team is doing great.

-Josiah out

1 comment:

  1. Providing hope can be exhausting. I'm glad you are all doing well!
